When using these wheels on the flat I found them very quick and it felt easier to hold the bike at a constant speed. This, I guess, is down to the aerodynamics of the wheel design. When climbing, I also found the wheels extremely adaptable, as if I was on a shallower climbing rim, so I can understand why these are described as a 'pro' wheel as they definitely have an all-round adaptability. The question that people always ask is 'but what are they like braking in the rain, especially on descents?' Well, the answer to that question is 'faultless'. The pad and the rim kept in constant contact without that on-and-off braking feeling which you sometimes get with rim brakes in the rain because for me, living in the mountains and in the terrain I'm in, it's so important to have trust in the wheels. Also, of course, in the opposite weather conditions when it's hot and carbon rims can sometimes warp under braking in the heat, the wheels again were faultless. So, after 3500km in rain, heat and cold, the wheels are still as good as new. All the wheel bearings are still in perfect condition, there are no signs of wear on the rims and I still have the same pads. A little tip to keep in mind is to always check that the pads are flat on the braking surface and in the correct position, as sometimes they can be knocked and not have contact with the braking surface which will impair your braking and damage the wheel.